GwL launches Big Give matched appeal 

Gambling with Lives (GwL) has launched a Big Give matched appeal, which will run across Mental Health Awareness Week (May 13 – 19) and beyond. 

All donations received will help us continue supporting bereaved families and working to prevent gambling addiction and suicides. Thanks to the Big Give, donations will be doubled between May 14 and 28. 

GwL is the only charity in the world founded by and for families bereaved by gambling-related suicide. We offer a bespoke support service to bereaved family members and friends which includes specialist therapy, legal support through inquests, and events where families can connect with others who understand. 

We have supported hundreds of bereaved family members and friends since we started in 2018. 

Here’s what a family member we’ve recently supported said: 

“GwL supported us at a time when we were completely traumatised, we knew nothing about the inquest process and had we not had GwL’s support I think we would have gone into the process having no idea how to handle it. They have been a massive support and help to us at the worst of times.” 

Thanks to everyone who has already donated – if you’ve not already done so and are able to, please click here to double your donation.